
Currently, STELAS depends entirely on donations from individuals and businesses to fund its programs.  Gifts are tax-deductible and are welcomed in any amount.  If you wish, you may earmark your gift for the following:

  • Scholarship Fund
  • Books Fund
  • School Facilities Fund

Monthly Recurring Donation

Select your desired monthly contribution to STELAS:

  • $5 – 5 notebooks, pencils and erasers for 5 students
  • $10 – 140 bricks for building a classroom or 2 sheets of galvanized metal roofing
  • $25 – 100 lbs. of cement
  • $50 – 3 text books
  • $100 – 3 desks with attached chairs
  • $250 – 50 sheets of galvanized roofing
  • $500 – 30 text books
  • $1000 – 60 text books
  • –or–
  • Other (then fill in amount below)

Amount of Your Contribution in US dollars:

One Time Donation (specify value in PayPal)

Donor Spotlight

Dr. Clifford Goodman and Dr. Scott Partridge of Chandler, Arizona became interested in STELAS during the three years they employed Rolel Mbaidjol in their OB/GYN practice.  Both Drs. Goodman and Partridge, who had done missionary work overseas, and the other providers in their practice make regular contributions to support STELAS programs, including health education.

STELAS is an IRS 501(c)(3) public charity; EID 26-2352793